Students initially took a pledge to save water which reads,
I pledge to save water and never waste water. I will not contaminate our drinking water. I will not pollute our precious water resources. I will take the initiative to create awareness to conserve water among my neighbors and . I pledge to conserve every day of the week. I pledge to tell people not to clutter our drains with garbage and sweepings. I pledge that I’m against open fouling of our environment, and I will practice good sanitation and hygiene. I pledge to celebrate World Water Day on March 22nd every year, and let people know about the importance of conserving water and not polluting our precious water bodies.
The gathering was finally addressed by Dr.Prakasham Tata (Advisor, EWB India), Sri K.Sri Ram Murthy(senior Environmental Enquirer, zonal officer, APPCB, Visakhapatnam), Sri Raju (Superintendent engineer, RWS),Prof. S Rama Krishna, Dr. KantamReddi who also participated in the event. The officials of EWB student chapter, Visakhapatnam, Sandeep Gonti(President), Praneeth Behara(Secratary), Uday Sri Ram(Treasurer) also participated with enthusiasm and fervent.